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New definition of Accessibility!

Full of features and tools for you to have the maximum accessibility

Advanced Features

ASL translator

Translate any words from ASL with AI technology and convert it to text

Text translator

Seamlessly translate text, accessing data in any language.

Speech To Text

Transcribe your conversation instantaneously with our Speech-to-Text

Activity Tracker

Chart and track the communication of DHL users with others

Media Uploader

Upload any voice in the AISA app and convert it to text

Text To Speech

Text-to-Speech, your go-to way of communicating with anyone

Connect Community

Removing communication barriers
between hearingimpaired
and hearing people


Providing the communication needs of DHL
people also provides much more capabilities
for communication


Convert speech to text for
better understanding of
complex conversations.


Convert text to voice in
real time for an seamless

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AISA School

Providing accessibility tools for deaf and hearing loss

Our new AISA application, combines intuitive navigation, visually pleasing aesthetics, and improved accessibility features, ensuring a seamless and engaging interaction with the AISA application.