Trusted by

The problem is larger than you think!

Over 2.5 billion is projected to suffer from Hearing Loss by the year 2050

0 + Million
Active Sign Language Users
0 + Million
With Disabling Hearing Loss
0 + Million
American Sign Language speakers

Our Solutions

Innovative solutions created to
change lives.

For Social equality

For Better education

For a Better future

Read about us

Innovation with Innovent

After our heavy college and university work and all life threw at us, we managed to gather together in 2024 in the 2nd annual innovation

A Boost with CS50

Hey AISA lovers! We’ve got exciting news for you! After 3 years of hard work, trying to develop & perfect our solutions to connect communities;

Aligned with Humanity

Following several UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Quality Education

Good Health and Wellbeing

Reduced Inequality

AISA School

Providing accessibility tools for deaf and hearing loss

Our new AISA application, combines intuitive navigation, visually pleasing aesthetics, and improved accessibility features, ensuring a seamless and engaging interaction with the AISA application.